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How to remove stains from your cocktail dress

22. 12. 2019

How to remove stains from your cocktail dress

The Christmas holidays are approaching very quickly and along with them also lush celebrations and parties. Nice clothes are suitable for the festive table, not to mention Christmas parties! During such events, our clothes often suffer some damage in the form of a stain from food or drink. Don't worry, we will advise you on how to get rid of the most common stains from your holiday clothes.

Accidents simply happen, that's just the fact. Don't ruin your fun mood by you getting your favorite blouse, dress or pants dirty. We have quick tips for cleaning stains that you may encounter during celebrations. A little advice to start with, before you start cleaning the stain, find out what material a piece of clothes is sewn from.

How to remove red wine stains?

We all know it, the favorite clothes we like to wear for all festive occasions suddenly have a huge stain of red wine on them. According to our grandmothers, salt works best for red wine stains. You pour it on the stain and let the wine suck in it. You can also use lemon juice or baking soda. This will help you with the biggest damage, but you must keep in mind that salt and lemon juice are also quite aggressive and they can damage the fibers in the fabric and irreversibly destroy clothing. So if you want your clothes to last as long as possible, you should have them cleaned in a dry cleaner's.

How to remove grease from clothes?

When you get up from the festive table and a greasy stain of potato salad or fried carp is visible on your shirt, reach for the dishwashing detergent. Apply a little of it to the stain and mix gently until a foam forms, then rinse and wash it in a washing machine. However, during celebrations, there is often no time for such cleaning and washing and the stains dry out.

If you want to make sure that your shirts are really clean, have them taken to a dry cleaners where ironing is also offered, so your shirts will be returned clean, fragrant and perfectly ironed.

How to remove sweat stains?

Christmas parties go often hand in hand with dancing. In the morning after the party, cocktail dresses and suits are not in the best shape. Sweat stains most often appear on these clothes and they are most visible on white clothes. The internet will certainly tell you how to remove sweat stains, but it won't do it for you. In addition, cleaning with detergent following by the use of 3% peroxide is a relatively lengthy duty.

It will be faster and, above all, safer to send the clothes to the dry cleaner's, from where they will be brought in perfect condition just in time for another party.

Each of us has some favorite clothes that one doesn't want to lose at any cost, and that can be arranged. If you take good care of your clothes, they will stay with you for years. Good maintenance also includes gentle maintenance. You must not forget that each material needs something different. Even if we try, we are not always able to offer a proper care to our clothes at home, so it is better to entrust it to professionals. They can handle even the most insidious stains.


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