We're open Naše online čistírna je tu stále pro vás. Objednejte online nebo využijte našich poboček či Cleany boxů. Děkujeme za vaši přízeň.

Kde všude čistíme

Where do we clean our clothes?

We have prepared 2 different ways for you to get your dirty laundry to the dry cleaner and clean back to you. You can bring dirty clothes to our brick-and-mortar branches, or use the services of our couriers who will pick up the laundry directly at your home.

Kde všude čistíme

Cleaners and laundries in Prague

In Prague, we combine our online services with laundry at our own branches. You can bring laundry without ordering!

OC Atrium Flora, 1. patro

OC Atrium Flora, 1. patro

OC Letňany, 1. patro

OC Letňany, 1. patro

OC Galerie Butovice, 1. patro

OC Galerie Butovice, 1. patro

OC Nový Smíchov, -1. patro

OC Nový Smíchov, -1. patro

OC Arkády Pankrác, -1. patro

OC Arkády Pankrác, -1. patro

Cleany Boxes

Cleany Boxes are a contactless way to conveniently deliver and collect your laundry. Simply place your laundry in the box and it will be picked up perfectly clean and ironed in no time. Think of it as a delivery box for your clothes. All you need to do is create an online order.


  • OC Lužiny, Archeologická 1, Praha 5, Archeologická 2256/1
  • Galerie Harfa, Českomoravská15a, Praha 9, Českomoravská 2420/15a
  • Hadovka Office Park, Evropská 33a, Praha 6, Evropská 2588/33A

Transport by our couriers

Together with our partner and our own transport, we already cover the five largest cities in the Czech Republic and are working hard to expand our coverage.

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