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Kde všude čistíme

Cleany Boxy

S Cleany Box už nemusíte trávit čas praním. Jednoduše vložte své oblečení do Cleany Boxu, který najdete na různých místech ve městě, a my se postaráme o zbytek! Ušetřete čas a starosti, nechte Cleany, ať se postará o vaše oblečení.

Kde všude čistíme

How CleanyBox works ?

Select the items you want to clean on cleany.cz and add your order to the cart.

Select the CleanyBox delivery/pick-up method, then choose the nearest CleanyBox on the map.

Wait for an SMS/email with the code for the CleanyBox.

According to the operating hours, bring or pick up your items from your CleanyBox at any time.

If you have any questions regarding CleanyBoxes, please direct them to +420 777 327 000 or zakaznik@cleany.cz

How to use CleanyBox

Enter the authorization code from the SMS or email on the keyboard

After entering the authorization code, the compartment for placing or retrieving your order will open

Place or retrieve your order. Follow the information on the display to see if your order is divided into multiple compartments

After placing or retrieving your items, close the compartment(s)


Or everything you wanted to know about our online cleaning and laundry with delivery, but were afraid to ask :-) In one place, clearly divided into topics: Order, Pickup and Delivery, Cleaning, Shipping and Payment and About us.

Do we deliver to you too?
Verify your address

We need to know your address now so we can show you offers only for your location.

We clean on this postcode and we have added the goods to the cart

Continue to the next range

Unfortunately, we do not clean any products from this category in your location

Enter a different address

We're sorry, but we don't clean most often cleaned on this address, but other goods we do

Continue to the available assortment