We're open Naše online čistírna je tu stále pro vás. Objednejte online nebo využijte našich poboček či Cleany boxů. Děkujeme za vaši přízeň.



Did your clothes come back dirty? Fill in the complaint form and attach photos. Our customer service will discuss the details with you and you will then send us a piece again for cleaning. We will clean the clothes in 7 days and send them back.


Fill in the complaint form and attach photos.


Send clothes by courier or bring them to the branch.


We will handle the complaint to your satisfaction.


You will have your clothes cleaned back within 7 days.

Complaint form

We are very sorry that your clothes did not return in good condition. We will do everything to fix everything, so you can be happy to return.

It is necessary to attach at least one photo to the complaint, but the more, the better (max. 5). Please try to attach photos that are out of focus and in good light.

    Do we deliver to you too?
    Verify your address

    We need to know your address now so we can show you offers only for your location.

    We clean on this postcode and we have added the goods to the cart

    Continue to the next range

    Unfortunately, we do not clean any products from this category in your location

    Enter a different address

    We're sorry, but we don't clean most often cleaned on this address, but other goods we do

    Continue to the available assortment