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Spring cleaning in the springtime

03. 03. 2020

Spring cleaning in the springtime

So it's slowly here! Spring is coming and along with it is coming the change of wardrobe from winter to spring clothes. In addition to that, spring cleaning is most likely awaiting you as well. If you are one of those who do not enjoy cleaning that much, you will certainly appreciate our tips on how to make the cleaning process easier.

Cleaning is nothing fun and there are definitely many other activities you would rather do, but it has to be done one way or another. However, if you plan everything well, everything will go quickly, too. In the end, you will have a pretty clean home and you will also have a great feeling from a job well done.

I plan, you plan, we plan

Instead of a chaotic run with a duster around the apartment home, sit back, relax and make a to do list of tasks. On the one hand, you will not forget anything and on the other hand, you will then enjoy a good feeling when ticking off the finished items from the list. The more people you have available to help with cleaning, the sooner it will be done. Involve your family or roommates in the cleaning and make a small competition out of it. You will see that in the end you will have a lot of fun.

Start the cleaning by clearing storage areas such as cellars and chambers. There you can then store extra items from the apartment and cleaned winter clothes that you don't currently use. Throw away broken things that could sometimes come in handy, even those you have been planning to repair for years already. Then start cleaning one room after another. Start in the bedroom, continue in the living room and leave the bathroom and toilet as last ones. The reasons for this are logical, as you will need to change the water when cleaning the house so if you start in the bathroom, you will eventually have to clean it again.


In the bedroom you need to change the bed sheets and clean storage spaces and closets. But clean the windows first before you start with other duties. Proper window cleaning also includes cleaning blinds, washing curtains and drapes.

It is important to take care of the beds, vacuum the mattresses and clean the duvets and blankets. In the spring, you should also change winter, warm blankets for summer and lighter ones. It doesn't matter if you prefer artificial fiber, feathers or sheep wool, pay attention to their cleaning in any case. In addition, some materials are not suitable for home washing in a washing machine, so let them be cleaned in a dry cleaner's. They will be returned clean, fragrant and in perfect condition. You will just have to store them for next season.

Send larger pieces of home textiles, such as bed covers, curtains, drapes or sheets, to the dry cleaners. Large pieces are poorly washed in a home washing machine, and in addition to it, there is no place to dry them in most cases.

Living room

Wipe off the dust, replace the winter decorations with summer ones. Winter decorations often contain dry flowers, so dust them off and store or throw them away and bring fresh flowers to the apartment. Choose decorations in vivid and cheerful colors, as they are much more suitable for spring season.

Wash decorative pillows, couch and armchair covers. If you have carpets at home, vacuum them and then clean them with the special water pressure machine. Use special cleaning products for parquets and floating floors.


Spring cleaning is a great opportunity to sort your top and T-shirts and sort out things you no longer want to wear. You can take it to charity, sell it or sew it into other form. You will certainly find clothes that need to be repaired or cleaned.

Take away your winter clothes from the closets and get it ready for winterizing. You should rather send feather jackets, sweaters, leather jackets and ski clothes to a dry cleaner's, from where they will be returned clean and fragrant. Then store it in boxes or vacuum bags, which will protect it from dust, moths and other impurities.

As you can see, if you organize your duties well and, in addition, use the help of professionals, then everything will be faster and easier for you. With some time you saved you will be able to go out and have a fun time with friends or family.


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