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Just for men or what to wear to a party and to work

25. 07. 2022

Just for men or what to wear to a party and to work

Be clear once and for all about what to wear for which occasion. We will advise you on what to go for when the invitation says black-tie, smart casual or business formal. There is nothing more embarrassing than going to a party in inappropriate clothes.

If you thought until now that only ladies have fashion problems before going to an important event, then you are very mistaken. Men's fashion is subject to exactly the same rules as women's fashion. However, you don't have to worry about anything, just remember a few basic rules and you're ready to go.

The key is to distinguish between formal and informal style, or if you prefer "formal" and "casual" style. These are then further divided into other types of dress code according to the type of event you are going to attend.


You can't get any more strict and formal dress code than white-tie. It follows very strict rules. You are likely to encounter a white-tie dress code requirement at social events such as high-profile ceremonies, formal galas, balls at the opera, state events or royal weddings.

For men, a tailcoat, high-waisted pants and suspenders, a white vest or waistcoat with a slight hint of ivory color, a special men's white white-tie shirt with a detachable collar, a white hand-tied bow tie and preferably pearl cufflinks are a must. If you would like to spice up your outfit with something, then reach for a white scarf or a white lapel scarf and put a opera hat on your head. White-tie dress code does not allow wearing watches.

Given where this dress code is worn, you probably won't have it in your closet, and if you need it, you'll probably visit a rental store.


The black-tie dress code is most often seen at festive ceremonies, parties, weddings and important events that start after 6 p.m. So if you find the black-tie dress code requirement on the invitation, you should wear a black or navy blue tuxedo with a black bow tie. A white men's shirt, waistcoat or sash around the waist, tuxedo pants with lampas, black socks and black patent leather shoes are a must. Don't forget that the black-tie dress code does not include watches.

Black-tie creative

As the word creative in the name of this dress style subset can tell you, this is a more imaginative form of black-tie dress code and the goal in this case is not to blend in with the crowd. You can go for a black men's shirt, a brocade tuxedo or a tuxedo with embroidery. In short, you can deviate a little from a strict black-tie.

Semi formal

If the social event starts before the noon and ends before 6 pm, gentlemen should wear a suit. It can also be in lighter colors and you don't have to be afraid of wearing a shirt in pastel colors, a colorful bow tie or maybe even colorful socks.

If it is a social event that starts after 6pm, you should wear a dark suit with a white shirt.

Business formal

Let's leave aside strictly formal types of outfits and look at those that you can see almost every day. You will encounter a business dress code very often, especially if you work in an office. Business formal dress code is a representative social wear, which for financiers, lawyers and businessmen represents completely normal everyday clothing.

For men's business formal dress code, choose a dark suit. You can choose black, gray or dark blue, in the summer period you can go for lighter shades of gray and beige. A men's shirt with a tie should be plain, light or with a subtle pattern. Leather accessories should be matchy - you can easily match leather shoes in dark colors with a leather belt, briefcase, watch, wallet and, in winter, with leather gloves. Do not forget that all metal elements should match - belt buckle, jewelry, glasses frames or buckles on the bag.

Business casual

You will encounter business casual dress code in business life. However, you have more freedom in deciding what to wear than in the "business formal" style. Clothes should be comfortable, but they should not lose their elegance.

You can combine classic pants (so-called chinos) with an informal casual jacket and a long-sleeved men's shirt, which you can replace with a polo shirt or turtleneck. A tie is not necessary here, but the belt should match the color of the shoes and the socks should be matchy with the pants. Elegant shoes or moccasins should be made of leather.

Smart casual

This is a casual but still elegant attire that matches the standards and requirements of most jobs. Clothing should always be fashionable and elegant. The clothes are always combined in a creative way, and as a whole they always look neat and elegant.

You can easily wear blazers, sports jackets, cardigans or sweaters with a "V" neckline, men's shirts with a flare, polo shirts with short and long sleeves, too. Men's chinos in different colors or dark jeans are included right here as well.


Informal casual clothes for everyday wear. This style of clothing does not have strict rules and regulations. The wearer's personality is always reflected in it. This includes T-shirts, jeans, skirts, shorts or even a sports jacket. In short, all the clothes you normally wear.

This does not include outdoor clothing or sportswear such as leggings, tracksuits or sweatpants and functional jackets. Those belong on a trip and into the nature, not in the city. Therefore, make sure that despite the fact that you are a forest lover in your soul, you go to the cinema or for a drink dressed in a casual style.

Casual chic

In addition to the Casual and Smart Casual dress code, you can also encounter Casual Chic dress code. Although the differences between them are minimal, Casual Chic is just somehow more chic. It could also be said that it involves stylish imput and natural elegance. So always wear clothes made of quality materials that are perfectly cut and fitting. This style is characterized by moderation and less conspicuous accessories.

Summer chic

This dress code is becoming increasingly popular at summer weddings and garden parties. For men, an elegant summer suit made of cotton or linen, men's chinos in combination with a nice men's shirt and sports jacket is suitable. You can easily include sunglasses or even a hat with your outfit.

There really is a lot that you have to manage in order to be properly dressed at all times. The fact is that you might not encounter all of the mentioned dress codes and events in your life. In any case, you should have a white shirt and a dark well-fitting suit in your wardrobe. Other fashion pieces of clothes suitable for special occasions.


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