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Become one of the modern knights in perfectly fit suit

18. 07. 2017 Ráchel Smékalová

Become one of the modern knights in perfectly fit suit

The knights in armors died out. Modern breakers of women's hearts have switched from iron armor to a perfectly fitting suit and tactful behavior. How to become one of them?

Become one of the modern knights

Throw away that two-size larger suit with wide pants reaching to the toe of the shoe and with those giant shoulder pads. The right size and care of a new suit will make you a real gentleman. We will teach you how to choose the right suit and how to take care of it afterwards.

Your suit is a friend for every situation

Do you wear a suit every day? Maybe you're catching up the metro, dazzling your business partners or eating tapas with potential clients. And maybe you quite the opposite! The suit is a garment for you to wear only for special occasions, which happen only once a year with a little of luck. Be that as it may, the material of the suit gets used. You move and the fabric creases, squeezes, folds. With such a use, the suit will soon be worn out. But what's next? How can you extend the life of your suit partner?

That's how the suit likes it!

Surprisingly, the first step is not the dry cleaning store. Although the Cleany service guarantees gentle handling of clothes, technical cleaning still contributes to the worn look of the fabric. The TRITON ecological technology used by the Cleany service is gentle on both natural and synthetic materials. In addition, no chemicals are used for cleaning.

Frequent washing damages the fabric

Unfortunately, this cannot be affected in any way. It works the same way when washing a cotton T-shirt or jeans. The more often you wear a piece of clothing, the more you wash it. As a result, the fibers are tightened. You have to consider a dry cleaner at least every month for a suit that is worn daily. A suit that is worn occasionally needs to go to a dry cleaner at least twice a season - at the beginning and end.

Start with proper storage and ventilate

You should never fold suits. Always hang them on robust wooden hangers that fill the space for the shoulders. Leave the suit hanging freely in a well-ventilated room on a regular basis. This will get rid of unwanted odors. If you do not have enough time, create a space in the closet. The suit should not touch other pieces of clothing on either side.

Iron is the biggest enemy

The most common damages occur when ironing with a classic household iron with a steaming program. High temperatures damage the fabric's internal systems for sure. You may not realize anything at first glance, but the damage will soon become apparent during use. Then you will not be able to correct the mistake. The fibers will be irreparably damaged. Invest in a steamer. In addition to straightening the fabric, it can partially remove odor. Its price ranges from 3 to 6 thousand crowns. Streamer will also be used by your wife for a silk blouse or dress. The steamer is very fast, efficient and works just as well during shirt ironing.

Brush - a part of every suit

Most suits are made of woolen materials. Like all natural materials, wool needs care and a little love. The wool easily catches dust and dirt, which is obvious at first glance. Brush the suit after each wear. There are special brushes that can be purchased at any suit store. When brushing, follow the correct direction - from top to bottom. Otherwise, the fibers would be damaged. Once in a while, use the cleaning roller to remove hair, trapped hair or dust. Proper care will greatly extend the life of your suit.

What to follow when buying a suit?

How to choose the jacket?

The suit must fit perfectly in the shoulders. The shoulder pads should not stand out and cannot be too short in any case. Try the jacket and stand close to the wall. If the fabric in the shoulder area starts to crease in any way, choose another size. The jacket must not reach below the buttocks. It does not exceed the length of the zipper in the crotch area.

The length of the pants under the microscope

Pants are usually tapered or they have a straight cut. Their length ends at the beginning of the shoe laces. Don't forget to wear long and quality socks. Although you will pay minimal attention to them yourself, this is an important detail. They certainly will not escape from any attentive eyes. An exposed calf when sitting on a chair is undesirable!

Watch out for the buttons!

Another difficult decision is the number of buttons. Modern jackets suitable for work and public places usually have at least two buttons. If you are considering buying a suit for more casual occasions, reach for a jacket with one button.

What to do with cuffs?

Current trends include protruding cuffs. The older generation pushes the cuffs inside the sleeves. But no way! Trendsetters say otherwise. But be careful so they do not to go too far.

A little bit of etiquette at the end

Not sure about opening your jacket? Follow a simple rule. Always have the jacket with closed buttons. While sitting, you can open the jacket completely, but as soon as you get up, synchronize your movements with closing the buttons. For two-button suit, always close the top button. If you insist on an unbuttoned jacket in any situation, you must wear a vest. It is closed completely and in any case.

With today's gentleman's manual, you can handle everything. Both the role of the wingman of the legendary Barney Stinson from the series How I Met Your Mother and Don Draper from Mad Men. They would both shake hands with you and there would also probably be a pat on the shoulder. Mission Suit Complete!


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